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Grant Partners

1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence

1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence is a grassroots nonprofit organization devoted to serving families who have been directly impacted by violence. 1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence endeavors to provide a continuum of care for the entire family, in particular the grieving parent who must continue to provide for surviving children.

Advocates for Informed Choice

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Amazon Watch

Amazon Watch works to protect the rainforest by advancing the rights of indigenous peoples. Defending indigenous rights and territories is a demonstrably effective solution to the threat of climate change. Together with our indigenous allies, we are growing the movement to leave all fossil fuels in the ground and promote a just transition to 100% renewable energy.

As You Sow

To promote environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.

Bay Area Non-Violent Communcation

Vision: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace. Mission: Personal Growth: We support individuals and families in experiencing inner peace, greater choice, integrity, and satisfying relationships by offering classes, individual coaching, and intensive programs. We work in-person as well as through phone and Skype. Leadership & Collaboration: We support organizations and leaders to respond to growing global challenges with effectiveness, creativity, and care for all stakeholders by offering consulting services, facilitation, coaching, and training.

Bolder Giving

Bolder Giving's mission is to inspire and support people to give at their full lifetime potential. We promote three ways to give boldly.

  • Give more: The average giving in the U.S. is 2-3% of annual income. We help those who can afford it to take quantum leaps further.

  • Risk more: Many people are in an uninspired giving rut. We invite people to be more adventurous, strategic, and involved.

  • Inspire more: Most people rarely talk about their giving. We support people to step out, start conversations, and to inspire others about the joy of giving.

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE)

By connecting leaders, spreading solutions, and attracting investment toward local economies, BALLE advances the Localist Movement to create real prosperity for all. Real prosperity begins at the local level with entrepreneurs who are re-imagining their industries, funders who are investing in local economies, and leaders who can mobilize on a broad scale. Together, we can — and will — create a stronger, more resilient, and fair economy.

CEL Education Fund

The mission of CEL Education Fund is to empower tech-savvy people-powered organizing initiatives. It accomplishes this by housing innovative educational and charitable programs and by fiscally sponsoring other independent organizations that align with its mission.

Center for Community Change

The Center’s mission is to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better. Right now, we’re empowering the people most affected by injustice to lead movements to improve the policies that affect their lives. Our focus areas include jobs and wages, immigration, retirement security, affordable housing, racial justice and barriers to employment for formerly incarcerated individuals.

Center for Environmental Health

We envision a world where everyone lives, works, learns and plays in a healthy environment; we protect people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, businesses, and the government to demand and support business practices that are safe for human health and the environment.

Center on Race, Poverty & Environment

Our mission is to achieve environmental justice and healthy, sustainable communities through collective action and the law.

Chapter 510

Chapter 510 provides free in-school tutoring, creative writing workshops, and publishing opportunities for K-12 students in Oakland. We share a vision for Oakland as a place where our youth and their perspectives are visible and our teachers are honored and supported.

City Slicker Farms

The mission of City Slicker Farms is to empower West Oakland community members to meet the immediate and basic need for healthy fresh food, free of chemicals, for themselves and their families by creating high-yield urban farms and backyard gardens.

Color of Change exists to strengthen Black America's political voice. Our goal is to empower our members - Black Americans and our allies - to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone.

Community Action Fund for Women in Africa (CAFWA)

CAFWA was established in 2006 with the mission of working in partnership with community-based groups to improve the lives of women in post-conflict areas of Africa. Rooted in the conviction that women should be active stakeholders in defining their own development strategies, CAFWA builds on initiatives that the women themselves have started. Not only do women carry the heaviest post-conflict burden, they are central to the daily work of repairing fractured communities. When women are actively involved in decision-making, be it post-war reconstruction or small-scale civic action, their voices ensure that vital societal priorities are upheld.

Confluence Philanthropy

Confluence has four strategic goals:

  • To build a network of practice and philanthropic leadership in mission-related investing through education, outreach, and peer-to-peer learning;

  • To increase the capacity of foundations and donors to practice mission-related investing by providing technical assistance;

  • To accelerate the field of mission-related investing by fostering systemic thinking and effective cross-sector partnerships, thereby creating a space in which philanthropic innovation can emerge; and

  • To provide our members with a strong organization, with the capacity to effectively advance Confluence Philanthropy’s mission and goals.

David Brower Center

The David Brower Center provides a home for the environmental movement by advocating for the beauty, diversity and ecological integrity of Earth.

Democracy Now Productions

Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program, pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S.

Destiny Arts Center

Destiny Arts Center exists to end isolation, prejudice and violence in the lives of young people.

Dream Corps

The Dream Corps supports campaigns and initiatives that empower the most vulnerable in our society. We sit at the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship, ecology and social uplift.

Food Shift

Food Shift works collaboratively with communities, businesses and governments to develop long-term sustainable solutions to reduce food waste and build more resilient communities.

East Bay College Fund

East Bay College Fund helps resilient public school students, under–represented in higher education, access and succeed in college, expanding their life opportunities. East Bay College Fund aspires to involve the whole community in providing college access services, scholarships, mentoring, and support networks to assist these young people in realizing their full potential.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

We are named after Ella Baker, a brilliant, black hero of the civil rights movement. Following in her footsteps, we build the power of black, brown, and poor people to break the cycles of incarceration and poverty and make our communities safe, healthy, and strong.

Equal Rights Advocates

Equal Rights Advocates has transformed the law for hundreds of thousands of women and girls for over four decades through impact litigation, advice and counseling, and policy reform. From litigating cases before the U.S. Supreme Court that led to passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978 to the more recent passage of California’s Paid Family Leave Act, ERA has worked closely with community partners to fill gaps in the law hindering economic security and education equity that is its foundation. ERA has been fearless in the courts, taking cases before juries and the U.S. Supreme Court for low-wage women workers, immigrants, and hundreds of thousands of other women, girls, and men taking a stand against sex discrimination. ERA counsels thousands of callers each year through its free national hotline and innovative clinical programs staffed by law clerks trained by ERA as the next generation of advocates.

Family Independence Initiative

We leverage the power of information to support economic and social mobility in America. Rather than impose solutions or fixes on behalf of others, we are proving that documenting and investing in the initiative and ingenuity of low-income families and communities is the most effective way forward. Learn about our approach.

George Mark Children's House

George Mark Children’s House is the first freestanding pediatric palliative care center in the U.S. GMCH exists to serve families with children and young adults who have a serious medical illness and who are seeking family-centered medical care that emphasizes quality of life in a compassionate, supportive atmosphere. We are an extension of your own home: a place where kids can be kids and families can be families. We bridge the gap between hospital and home, offering safe, excellent medical care in the comfort and warmth of a home-like setting for patients who do not need the resources of a full children's hospital.

Girls Inc. of Alameda County

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, providing more than 140,000 girls across the U.S. and Canada with life-changing experiences and solutions to the unique challenges girls face. The Girls Inc. Experience consists of people, an environment, and programming that, together, empower girls to succeed. Trained staff and volunteers build lasting, mentoring relationships in girls-only spaces that are physically and emotionally safe and where girls find a sisterhood of support with shared drive, mutual respect, and high expectations. Hands-on, research-based programs provide girls with the skills and knowledge to set goals, overcome obstacles, and improve academic performance. Informed by girls and their families, Girls Inc. also works with policymakers to advocate for legislation and initiatives that increase opportunities for girls. At Girls Inc., girls grow up healthy, educated, and independent.

Global Greengrants

Global Greengrants believes local people know best how to address the environmental issues impacting their own lives. We support communities to protect, restore, and transform their environments for a sustainable future. Since 1993, we have made more than $45 million in grants to local groups in 163 countries.

Greenpeace Fund

Greenpeace Fund promotes Greenpeace's mission: to halt environmental destruction and to promote solutions for future generations. Greenpeace Fund promotes Greenpeace's mission through public education, grassroots lobbying and grants to other environmental organizations. One of Greenpeace's unique strengths is our capacity to conduct international campaigns in countries around the world, giving us the ability to challenge environmental threats and promote change on issues that transcend national borders and require international cooperation. We continue to increasingly gain a reputation as a formidable force in the realm of international environmental policy through sophisticated strategies.

High Water Women Foundation

High Water Women (HWW) is a 501 (c) 3 organization founded in 2005 by women in the hedge fund and investment industries with a focus on providing enriched educational opportunities for low-income youth and the economic empowerment of women and children. As an extension of our thought leadership in values-based investing, in 2013, HWW launched an Impact Investing initiative with a Symposium for Family Offices, Foundations, Endowments and other Investors.

Mosaic Project

We envision peace: a just, diverse, and inclusive world where individuality and community are both core values and where listening, empathy, and assertiveness guide our interactions. We work toward a peace­ful future by uniting children of diverse backgrounds, providing them with essential community building skills, and empowering them to become peacemakers.

My Yute Soccer

My Yute Soccer is on a mission to provide access to a diverse socio-economic and cultural environment through the sport of soccer.

Next Step Learning Center

Our mission is to strengthen Oakland families and communities through intensive, personalized tutoring and other programs in basic literacy, High School Equivalency Exam preparation, and transition to college and the workforce. We define basic literacy as the tools of reading, writing, and computation needed for urban life in the 21st century.

North Oakland Community Charter School

The North Oakland Community Charter School (NOCCS) is a public K-8 school dedicated to helping children to become thoughtful, informed, and inquisitive citizens. NOCCS is a vibrant, diverse learning community driven by respect for each child’s unique intelligence and history. Our school’s dynamic and challenging educational approach deepens the intellectual and social capacities of each child that we serve.

Oakland Children's Fairyland

Children’s Fairyland, they said, is “as miniature and uncynical as a toddler’s beating heart.” We agree. Children’s Fairyland is, in many ways, a timeless reminder of the joys of standing three-feet tall.

Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir Inc.

The mission of the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir is to inspire joy and unity among all people through black gospel and spiritual music traditions.

Oakland Museum of California

The mission of the Oakland Museum of California is to inspire all Californians to create a more vibrant future for themselves and their communities.

OPED Project

The OpEd Project's mission is to increase the range of voices and quality of ideas we hear in the world. A starting goal is to increase the number of women thought leaders in key commentary forums to a tipping point. We envision a world where the best ideas - regardless of where they come from - will have a chance to be heard, and to shape society and the world.


Open’hood was founded to allow the voices of all people to inform vital conversations around the issues of our day like health care, criminal justice and education. Our approach is to use non-polemic storytelling to explore the vital yet under-funded public institutions that serve us all. We do this by focusing on the personal narrative, through both the production of long-form documentary films and also location-based storytelling initiatives that engage the community.

Outdoor Afro

Outdoor Afro has become the nation’s leading, cutting edge network that celebrates and inspires African American connections and leadership in nature. We help people take better care of themselves, our communities, and our planet!

Pachamama Alliance

Pachamama Alliance is a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all.

Peace Development Fund

PDF is more than a grantmaker: our model of philanthropy involves direct funding, advocacy where appropriate and partnerships built around mutual respect, sharing of resources, and transparency of planning and decision-making. We endeavor to be a key “go-to” foundation on issues of peace, human rights, social justice and environmental protection. We work to counter-balance dominant power structures by moving resources and sharing decision-making with activist groups and communities.


Playworks’ vision is that one day every child in America will get to play—every day. We are changing school culture by leveraging the power of safe, fun, and healthy play at school every day. We create a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills. We offer an essential opportunity for children to explore their imaginations, to connect with other kids, and to stretch and grow physically, emotionally and socially.

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action.

Regional Parks Foundation

The Regional Parks Foundation was established in 1969 to support the East Bay Regional Park District. The Foundation’s mission is to support our Regional Parks through fundraising that provides broader public access, resource protection and preservation, education and recreational programs, and the acquisition of parklands. One of the top priorities is to ensure that underserved populations have equal access to the East Bay Regional Park District’s parks, trails, programs, and services.

Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center

The mission of Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center is to empower and increase the entrepreneurial capacities of socially and economically diverse women and men, and thereby strengthen our communities through the creation of sustainable new businesses, new jobs, and the promotion of financial self-sufficiency.

Resource Generation

Resource Generation organizes young people with wealth and class privilege in the U.S. to become transformative leaders working towards the equitable distribution of wealth, land and power.

Rudolf Steiner Foundation (RSF Social Finance)

RSF Social Finance (RSF), a financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. RSF offers investing, lending, and giving services that generate positive social and environmental impact while fostering community and collaboration among participants.

Sierra Club Foundation

The Sierra Club Foundation promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment.

Social Venture Network

To support and empower diverse, innovative leaders who leverage business to serve the greater good by:

  • Building valuable peer-to-peer connections among influential business leaders, social entrepreneurs, and impact investors who support a triple bottom line: people, planet and profit

  • Fostering high-impact collaborations that build a just, humane and sustainable world

  • Supporting whole-person leadership to enable our members to succeed and grow, both personally and professionally

Spirit Rock Medittion Center

Spirit Rock Meditation Center is a spiritual education and training institution whose purpose is to:

  • Bring people to a depth of realization of the Buddha's path of liberation through direct experience.

  • Provide the community of practitioners with inspiration and teachings to integrate and manifest wisdom and compassion in all aspects of their lives, for the benefit of all beings.

  • We achieve this purpose primarily by providing silent meditation retreats, and also through classes, trainings, and Dharma study opportunities for new and experienced students from diverse backgrounds. Our programs are grounded in the essence of the Buddha's teachings in the Pali discourses.

Story of Stuff Project

We’re a community of over a million changemakers worldwide, working to build a more healthy and just planet. Together, we believe it's possible to create a society based on better not more, sharing not selfishness, community not division. We invite you to be inspired by and share our movies, participate in our study programs, and take part in our campaigns on the issues you care about.

The Beautitudes Society

The Beatitudes Society identifies and equips emerging leaders to grow Progressive Christian faith communities for the sake of justice and the common good.

The Edible School Yard Project

The mission of the Edible Schoolyard Project is to build and share a national edible education curriculum for pre-kindergarten through high school. We envision gardens and kitchens as interactive classrooms for all academic subjects, and a free, nutritious, organic lunch for every student. Integrating this curriculum into schools can transform the health and values of every child in America.

The First Tee of the East Bay

The mission of The First Tee of the East Bay is to impact the lives of youth in the Oakland and Hayward areas by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life-enhancing values through the game of golf.

New Media Ventures

New Media Ventures: We are the first national network of angel investors supporting media and tech startups that disrupt politics and catalyze progressive change.

Toniic Institute

Toniic provides its members with a powerful suite of investor tools giving easy access to quality deals, process support, education, and an expert peer group. Investing out of their own accounts, Toniic members receive all the advantages of angel networks in traditional investment sectors. Toniic also supports social entrepreneurs by providing quality feedback and support through interaction with our network of investors, many of whom are experienced entrepreneurs. The Toniic Institute is a nonprofit corporation managing our work on research and advocacy in the impact investment field. Toniic Institute’s mission is to make relevant original knowledge and materials available for impact investors in order to broaden the field of impact investing and deepen understanding amongst impact investors and social entrepreneurs.

United Roots

United Roots engages and empowers marginalized youth in socially innovative ways.We accomplish this by providing:
- Arts and media training, instilling confidence and developing talents
- Career and workforce development, cultivating innovation and entrepreneurship
- Community engagement, building bridges to local organizations and employers
- Wellness services, creating a safe, sustainable environment for youth to heal and grow

Women Donors Network

Women Donors Network is a community with a purpose — together we connect, learn, and take action to further our shared vision of a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. As a community, WDN recognizes the systemic nature of many of the challenges we face as a society. We are committed to utilizing an intersectional lens – including race, class, gender, and sexual orientation – throughout our work. WDN programs are designed to ignite change, providing donors with opportunities to support progressive movement-building, as we deepen our knowledge, take action in partnership with allies, and engage in nimble and strategic grantmaking.

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