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The Nia Mission


"Nia" is the Swahili word for intention and purpose. Our mission at Nia Community is to leverage all of our investment dollars as tools for social change and environmental sustainability. We strive to be part of the solution both by investing in entrepreneurial changemakers working on key solutions to better our world, and by sharing our work, our progress, and investments with others.


At Nia Community we are focused on both grantmaking and impact investments working toward social equity, environmental sustainability and a fair and just economy in Oakland.


Our History


Nia Community was formally established in 2010 as a 100% mission-aligned impact investment fund. We set out to fund and empower social enterprises at the intersection of social justice and environmental sustainability. Since its inception, the fund has supported successful social change-makers working in a wide spectrum of industries including education, sustainable transportation, solar energy, banking, transformative finance, sustainable agriculture, job placement, progressive media & technology. Over time our focus has narrowed. While we have always concentrated our efforts in Oakland, we now have a firm commitment to fund female entrepreneurs, and businesses led by people of color.


In addition to early stage investments, the Nia Community Foundation has engaged in grantmaking to enable local mission-driven organizations to scale their reach with social justice, environmental sustainability, racial and gender equity programs. We work out of Impact Hub Oakland at 2323 Broadway. Do stop by and visit this nurturing co-working space for community changemakers.

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